Article 1.
The La Indurain Cycle Tour is a sports cycle march regulated in article 9 of the RFEC Cycle Tourism-Cycling for All Regulations within the framework of a cycling specialty that conceives this sport as a physical exercise for leisure and tourist or cultural purposes. , excluding the competition. The test will be subject to the provisions of articles 15 and following of annex II of Royal Decree 1428/2003, of November 21, which approves the General Circulation Regulations for the application and development of the articulated text of the Law on Traffic, circulation of motor vehicles and road safety, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 339/1990, of March 2.
Article 2.
The La Induráin Cycle Tour will have the start of both the long and short routes on Saturday, July 26, 2025. It is open to all cyclists over 18 years of age.
The registration fees have the following cost:
From opening until January 13:
• 180k: €71
• 100k: €66
• 65k: €51
From January 14 until April 7:
• 180k: €76
• 100k: €71
• 65k: €61
From April 8 until the end of the term or end of registration:
• 180k: €82
• 100k: €77
• 65k: €71
In any case, €10 will be added in the case of not being federated
Registration will close when the quota of 1,500 participants is reached.
Registration fees ensure, among others, the following services:
- Official GOBIK jersey.
- Registration refund insurance due to suspension of the test according to Art.22 of this regulation.
- Access to the race refreshment posts.
- Mechanical assistance during the march.
- Access to places restricted to participants, such as the Podium or the final provisioning area.
- Showers and bathrooms.
- Post-event food.
It is very important that during the registration process the table that shows the measurements of the jersey is studied before choosing the size, once chosen no changes can be made. It is recommended that all participants wear this jersey during the test and it constitutes a security and control element so that all auxiliary personnel involved in the test can identify at all times who are participants and who are not.
Article 4.
To participate it is mandatory to be in possession of the corresponding cycling license approved by the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation (RFEC), or subscribe to the day license with the insurance provided by the organization. They are the only valid insurance accepted by the authorities.
Participation in the test is under the responsibility and own risk of the participants. At the time of registration, the participant states that they are physically fit for the test.
The organization advises all participants to pass a medical examination prior to the race.
Federated participants will be covered by their federative license, the rest of the participants will be covered by an Accident and Civil Liability insurance, to cover the accidents suffered during their participation in the race, as well as to insure the damages that may be caused to third parties during their participation (excluding damages caused to participants among themselves, fights, acts of malice and non-compliance with the regulations).
The accident insurance will cover the damages that a participant may suffer directly during the development of the race, excluding injuries, fights, previous pathologies, pre-existing medical conditions, imprudence, latent injuries… etc… considering that an accident has a sudden and traumatic origin, caused by a fall/collision (non-traumatic injuries are excluded, for example: tendinitis, as well as any other previous pathology or illness).
Accident insurance cover is as set out in Royal Decree 849/1993 of 4 June 1993.
In the event of an accident, all participants are obliged to notify the Organizers of the damage suffered, being attended first of all by the Medical Services of the race, excluding any medical assistance not previously authorized by the Organizers/Insurance Company.
The Organization will not be responsible for any medical assistance/charge not previously authorized, such authorization being subject to verification of the incident by the insurance company, by means of a duly completed accident report.
Article 4 BIS
Registration for the race includes acceptance of the following measures:
- That you accept that when measures or decisions are adopted by the organizer of the event with the aim of preserving the health of people in the course of the competition, the essential obligations contracted by it cannot be considered breached, for which reason The payment of amounts, compensation or reimbursement of prices or amounts for registration or participation rights or costs incurred by the athlete and/or their club may be required.
- That you accept that if you show a conduct or behavior of non-compliance or non-compliance with the orders and instructions of the organization staff in relation to security measures, you may be subject to exclusion or disqualification from the event by decision of whoever acts as sports authority (referees or organization officials).
- It is mandatory to carry the mobile and be reachable during the duration of the test.
Article 5.
A VALID REGISTRATION IS ONLY CONSIDERED when the registration fees have been paid. That is to say, THERE IS NO possibility of pre-registration and payment when picking up the number. Payment can only be made online with a credit card through the secure payment gateway proposed by the organization on the official website and within the time limits indicated by the organization.
Article 6.
Registrations are considered FINAL, so in the event of not being able to participate, the registration will not be refunded. Registrations are strictly personal and non-transferable and cannot be used by another.
Article 7.
The time control will be done electronically through the use of a chip. It is MANDATORY to use the chip. This will not work if it is in direct contact with the bike, or if more than one chip is being carried, or if it is placed high off the ground.
The time control system has demonstrated its total reliability, so participants who do not have a control pass at all points will automatically be considered NOT CLASSIFIED:
Departure: at the time scheduled by the organization, which if not notified in advance will be at 8:00.
Arrival: until 17.30
In addition, the organization plans to use other digital measurement means to time segments that do not have a chip reader, such as mobile applications and internet utilities.
Article 8.
Elimination system:
Every participant, when passed by the “End of Test” vehicle, is considered out of it, and must submit a bib number, chip and bicycle plate; making use of the broom bus. The time limit marked is the one that appears in the metro route as the worst time of the test
Article 9.
All participants must wear, in a compulsory and visible way, the number
Any cyclist who does not wear the bib number visibly will be excluded from the route by members of the organization.
THE CHIP and the DORSAL must be placed with the plate that carries it on the handlebar of the bike. The number and the chip are personal and non-transferable items. The registered person may only participate with the number that has been assigned to him and agrees not to allow other people to use it. Claims for loss of the chip or placement in an inappropriate place will not be accepted.
Article 10.
Solid and liquid supplies will be located at:
- Olaldea
- Climb of Erro
- Olague
- Climb of Artesiaga
- Finish line
Article 11.
The organization will have, during the development of the test and permanently, a team of doctors, ambulances and mobile ICUs, several fixed aid points, a medical post at the finish line, a broom bus and a shower service.
Article 12.
The organization will have mechanical assistance throughout the test. In case of breakdown, the spare parts will be borne by the participants. Only repairs that can be solved en route will be taken into account, except for punctures.
Article 13.
Article 14.
Foral Police, Municipal Police, Civil Protection, will ensure the safety of the march.
Article 15.
All participants must scrupulously observe the provisions of the Road Safety Law and its Regulations. The test runs on roads open to traffic. Whoever does not comply with the law will be expelled from the march and from subsequent editions. Each participant assumes all the points of the regulation when registering on our website. Through said registration, the participant will declare that he assumes the risks inherent in participating in a test open to traffic, and that he excludes the organization of the test from responsibilities for any incident or accident derived from participation in the test.
Article 16.
The organization is not responsible for any accident that the participant may be the cause or victim of, who must be covered by the license’s own insurance, nor is it jointly liable for the expenses or debts that the participants may incur during the march. , nor of the loss or breakdowns that the bicycles or other equipment of the participants could suffer. The participant exempts the organization from liability for loss or deterioration of personal belongings for any reason.
Article 17.
To collect the bib number, it is MANDATORY to present the proof of registration, DNI and the RFEC license in the event that the insurance proposed by the organization has not been subscribed. In the event that the bib along with the jersey is sent to each participant, they are responsible for providing the appropriate address and contact information for the transport agency.
Article 18.
The organization reserves the right to make the appropriate modifications, when for any reason it deems it necessary. And, likewise, the Right of Admission is reserved.
Article 19.
Image rights.- The acceptance of these regulations necessarily implies that the participant authorizes the organizers of La Indurain to record all or part of their participation in it, gives their consent so that they can use their image for the promotion and dissemination of the image of the test in all its forms (radio, press, video, photo, DVD, internet, posters, media, etc.) and assigns all the rights related to its commercial and advertising exploitation that they consider appropriate to execute, without right for their part to receive any financial compensation.
Article 20.
The mere fact of registering for this test implies acceptance of these regulations and the waiver of all rights against the organization, waiving any legal action that may arise from their participation in the test.
Article 21.
Strictly speaking, those participants who:
- Do not respect the highway code.
- Do not respect the security instructions indicated by law enforcement and by the organization.
- Do not go through the exit control and others located on the route.
- Dirty or degrade the itinerary, throwing waste.
- They have their own support vehicle, hindering the progress of the rest.
- Behaviors that prevent the normal development of the test and that go against these regulations.
- The members of the forces of order and the organization will take note of those who carry out some of the behaviors indicated above. The organization acquires the commitment to the rest of the participants and the authorities to sanction them effectively.
The penalty will be:
- Disqualification of the test, without the right to a diploma.
- Inclusion in the lists of sanctioned participants, for subsequent publication.
- Prohibition to participate in other editions of the test.
- The sanctions imposed by the authorities, which could be deserved due to their attitude.
The organization will not assume any responsibility if the event is suspended or postponed due to force majeure.
If for reasons of force majeure outside the organization the event has to be suspended, the full registration will be returned minus the expenses incurred by the organization, valued at €30 per participant. The organization undertakes to give each participant the commemorative jersey of the test.
In accordance with this contract, the effects and nature of force majeure are attributed to the following events: fire, flood, epidemic, attack, hurricane, tornado, storm, ice, earthquake, war, civil war, requirement, labor interruption, lock-out or strike of personnel necessary to carry out sporting events or the conduct of competitors or spectators, revolution, riots, mob movement, legal moratorium, order of local, regional, national or international authorities, withdrawal or suspension of the official authorizations of the test, withdrawal or suspension of the authorizations of occupation of public places, theft of all or part of the material necessary for the realization of sporting events, lack of electricity, interruption or delay in transport or telecommunications posts, impossibility of broadcasting sporting events on hertzian waves terrestrial, cable or satellite, climatic or political conditions that make it impossible or very difficult to carry out sporting events, conditions that make it impossible or very difficult to maintain the safety of participants in sporting events or spectators.
Article 23.
Participants are strongly recommended to undergo a medical examination before participating in the test.
Article 24.
Information on the processing of personal data
In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, we inform you of the following issues related to the treatments that we make of your personal data:
Responsible for the treatment: M&M Ingeniería y Montajes Navarra, with NIF nº B31872559, and address at Polígono Comarca I (Agustinos), calle F, s/nº, C.P. 31013 from Pamplona (Navarra). Email:
Personal data collected: the personal data you provide us is necessary to manage your registration and participation in the test and, therefore, it is mandatory to provide them in such a way that, if you do not do so, we will not be able to register you.
Purpose of the treatment: we inform you that the personal data you provide will be used for the following purposes:
- Manage your registration and participation in La Indurain Cycle Tour.
- Carry out the necessary steps for the organization of La Indurain Cycle Tour.
- Deliver and send the participant pack with the bib number, jersey, mask and other test material.
- Manage the insurance of the participants and the issues that arise from it both in relation to the insurance contracted by the organization and by the territorial or Spanish Cycling Federation.
- Publication of classifications, which can be done through RockTheSport at, on the Organization’s own website and on its social networks.
- Production and publication of photographs and videos of the participants in La Indurain Cycle Tour. This publication may be made, for corporate and promotional communication purposes, both on the website of La Cicloturista La Indurain, on its social networks (Facebook and Instagram) and on the website of the collaborating company in charge of selling the photographs and videos. All this for free, without geographical or time limitations.
- Sending information about La Indurain Cycle Tour, about future editions and other sporting events organized by M&M Ingeniería y Montaje Navarra.
- Send information about the sale of merchandising from La Cicloturista La Indurain.
In this sense, we inform you that in order to manage in a more efficient, dynamic and operational way and to be able to better control this type of communication, we use MailChimp, a platform developed by The Rocket Science Group Llc., whose use supposes the installation by part of the provider of the aforementioned service in said shipments of monitoring devices of the activity of the recipients, in order to control the opening of the emails and the clicking of the links contained in the emails, and to be able to prepare monitoring reports with the information collected of the campaigns.
Legitimation of the treatment: the legal basis that legitimizes the treatment of the personal data of the participants for the purposes related to the management of the registration and participation in the event, is that said treatment is necessary for the execution of a contract (registration and participation in the sporting event) in which they are a part. This same legal basis will be the one that legitimizes the communication of the personal data of the participants to the insurance company with which the civil liability insurance of the event is contracted and, with respect to the federated participants, to the corresponding federation and, in its case, to the insurance company with which it has contracted the insurance.
Regarding the publication of the classifications in the indicated terms, the legal basis that legitimizes said data processing is that it is necessary both for informational purposes and for the accreditation of brands.
Regarding the taking of photographs and videos during the race and their subsequent dissemination in the indicated terms, the legal basis that legitimizes said treatment is the legitimate interest of the Organizer for the purposes of communication and promotion of La Indurain Cycle Tour. This is without prejudice to the consent given by the participant when registering and accepting these Regulations.
In relation to the sending of information about La Indurain Cycle Tourist, about future editions and other sporting events organized by M&M Ingeniería y Montaje Navarra, as well as information on the sale of merchandising from La Indurain Cycle Tourist, the legal basis that legitimizes said treatment is that the The same is necessary for the satisfaction of the legitimate interests of the Organizer regarding the promotion of said products, and this as contemplated in article 6.1. f) of the RGPD, based on the provisions of Report 195/2017 of the AEPD. This will be without prejudice to the possibility that the participant has to oppose the sending of that information by sending an email to
Recipients of the data: the personal data of the participants will be communicated to the entities that are necessary for the provision of the services included in the registration, among them, to the insurance company with which the Organization contracts the civil liability insurance or , in the case of federated participants, to the territorial cycling federation to which they belong or, where appropriate, to the Spanish one, as well as to the insurance company that they have contracted and this for the purpose of having the risks derived from the participation of those registered in La Indurain Cycle Tour.
As the identification data, number, photographs and images taken during the test and the final result may be published, in the terms indicated above, they will be accessible to the general public who consults said publications.
In any case, for some event management issues we use third-party services, which act as data processors, with whom we have signed the corresponding data processing contract in accordance with the provisions of article 28.3 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
International data transfers: for some information management and administrative tasks, the Organizer uses services offered by providers that act as data processors [Google, Inc. (Google Drive), Dropbox, Inc. (Dropbox) and The Rocket Science Group, LLC. (Mailchimp)] and that, despite being outside the European Union and the European Economic Area, international data transfers involving its use also have the appropriate guarantees contemplated in article 46.2 c) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data (standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission).
Data retention period: the personal data of the participants will be kept until the end of the event and, subsequently, during the periods necessary to comply with legal obligations.
However, regarding the publication of classifications for the purpose of brand accreditation, they will be kept indefinitely. The same will happen with respect to the photographs and videos that are published in the Organizer’s media (website and social networks).
Regarding the sending of information about La Indurain Cycle Tour, about future editions and other sporting events organized by M&M Ingeniería y Montaje Navarra, as well as information on the sale of merchandising from La Indurain Cycle Tour, personal identification and contact data will be kept until the moment in which the participant communicates his desire not to continue receiving it, for which purpose, he must send an email to, without prejudice to the fact that in each communication that is sent to him, he will be offered the possibility of opting out. download in a simple and free way.
Rights of the interested party regarding the processing of their data: you can request access to your personal data, rectification, deletion, limitation of treatment, opposition or portability of the same by sending a written request addressed to M&M Ingeniería y Montaje Navarra, in Polígono Comarca I (Agustinos), street F, s/nº, CP 31013 of Pamplona (Navarra), or by sending an email to, accompanying in any case a photocopy of your ID.
Claim before the control authority: you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, either through its electronic headquarters or at your address, at calle Jorge Juan, nº 6, C.P. 28001 of Madrid.
Both in the event that the registration of third parties is made and in the case of registrations made by sports clubs, the person or club that makes the registration guarantees that it has the consent of the people that it registers, also committing itself to inform you of all the aspects included in this informative clause in relation to the processing of your personal data.